Our Services


We offer bespoke building surveys of commercial and high-end residential properties, always with a focus on a client’s specific requirements: for example, a survey prior to a client purchasing a property with an emphasis on specific defects or possible refurbishment aspirations.  

Defect Diagnostics.

We receive regular instructions to inspect and diagnose defects to buildings, which can extend to providing advice specifying and any required remedial repairs. These instructions are often made by property owners or, if linked with litigation, by solicitors and barristers. Andrew Schofield is commonly instructed as an Expert Witness on disputes relating to building defects. 

Reinstatement Cost Analysis.

Building insurers often require a reinstatement cost analysis to be provided, which provides the cost of rebuilding the building in the event of a catastrophe. We provide reinstatement costs based upon the latest BCIS data.

Measured Surveys.

We have the in-house facilities to carry out accurate measured surveys of buildings or land.  We can provide plans, elevations and sections which can be presented in PDF or DWG (CAD) formats.

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM).

Prudent property owners plan the future maintenance of their building for efficient budgeting purposes and we are often asked to provide PPM schedules for future budgeting purposes.

Schedules of Condition.

We are instructed by tenants to produce Schedules of Condition prior to the commencement of a lease. Instructions are also received from landlords who wish to validate Schedules of Condition which have been produced by tenants’ surveyors.

Schedules of Condition are taken as part of our role in administering the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 which can prove to be invaluable in the event on claims of damage.

Schedules can be completed in advance of building works to protect against spurious claims for damage from neighbouring property owners and/or tenants.